TROPICO is loosely-inspired by Lana Del Rey’s short film of a similar name and explores Raja Feather Kelly’s relationship to pop-culture as he attempts to demystify, through dance and theater, pop-culture’s relationship to humanity. TROPICO is about beginnings, endings, truths, illusions and how to live in the world when you feel so far outside of it. Andy Warhol said, “It’s the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it.” TROPICO questions if this is true. (
Created, Choreographed, and Directed by Raja Feather Kelly
Music by Bryan Strimpel and Raja Feather Kelly
Performed by Raja Feather Kelly, Shaina Branfman, Amy Gernux, Beth Graczyk, Sara Gurevich, John Gutierrez, Lindsay Head, Rebecca Hite Teicheira, Nik Owens, Rachel Pritzlaff, Collin Ranf, Aaron Moses Robin
Collaborators: Tuçe Yasak (lighting design), Aitor Mendilibar (photography director), Laura Snow (editor), Lousie Dodet and Rebecca Shulman (production)
Performed at Danspace Project June 2 - 4 2016