Part game-show and part stage-play, The KILL ONE Race, created by Raja Feather Kelly. This work is inspired by the social experiments of William Greaves (Symbiopsychotaxiplasm), Lars von Trier (Dogville), the dystopian novels of Leslie Louis (Kill One) and Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games), and the evolution of early televised game shows. Kelly questions: Do we make culture or does Culture Make us, and in The KILL ONE Race brings this inquiry of pop culture’s omnipotence into the very onscreen forms it deconstructs. (
Created by Raja Feather Kelly
Commissioned and Presented by Playwrights Horizon
Collaborators: Production Design (Raja Feather Kelly), Laura Snow (Media Producer, Lead Editor), Tuce Yasak (Lighting Design), You-Shin Chen (Set Design), Sophie Maguire (Set Design), CJ Ferroni (Director of Photography), Remy Kurs (Music), Kate Enman (Photography), Brandi Holt (Company Management), Colm Summers (Assistant to Director), Raja Feather Kelly (Assistant to Editor), Ilya Vidrin and Jessi Stegall (Ethics Consultants), Kevin Novinsky (Sound Engineer), Jacob Schmid (Assistant Sound Engineer)